Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The girls' visit and other randm photos

Flooding at church entrance.

Tank ready to go!

Taveuni kids!

Truck parts from broken down truck in road!

Melted piston from truck.

Buying pineapple at Saivou

Kids, copra, caneknife all part of load.

This is a favorite toy that kids have made.

Policemen helping with cleanup in Suva.

Men don't ever hesitate to wear a flower, even for cleanup.

More single adults at cleanup.

Alot accomplished and everyone had fun!

Maybe too much fun!

Lunch time

Group picture

Tank just unloaded for Rabi.

Getting the tank to the boat.

Everyone helped!

Low tide so the boat can't come any closer.

Almost in place!

Ready for 2nd leg to Rabi

Isabella running off plane with bloody nose.

Glad to be here finally!

All of us at Saivou checking out their tank.

Swinging at the beach in Savusavu.

Girls and S Howard with Jesse at church!

Ferry ride to Taveuni

Dinner at the motel in Taveuni.

All ready to kayak on Christmas Day.  2013

Gabby and Cathryn

Cathryn and Isabella.

International date line.

Slide at Taveuni

Bella just came down!

Further downstream, doing wash.

And bathing

Everyone is clean!

Girls ready to go diving!

Tank at Taveuni.

Ferry ride back home.

Kids getting beans from S Howard

Flowers at Savusavu School.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Handover Ceremonies Friday Feb 21 2014

Vacunimata. Pres Petero and E Howard at bowery, built for hand over
ceremony and decorated! Notice chairs for the missionaries!

S Howard being presented with the lei made of fresh flowers!

Flower lei on top of shell necklace!

E & S Howard, with Pres. Petero ready for ceremony!

Pres Petero spoke in Fijian, so we don't know what he said.

Fans and hats were also presented to us along with brooms!
These sisters were so thrilled to have water at their homes!

This is everyone there that just got a tap for water. 8 families
in all. The woman in pink w/fan was our connection. Every time
we went we spoke with her.
Nacereyaga and Seaqaqa District School. The school has kids that
live at the school during week (Hostel)They badly needed water
for washing and cooking etc. These kids sang the teeth brushing song.

S Howard is passing out copies for clean water instructions!

Saivou. Held inside because of lots of rain. These are the ladies
that have been sewing up a storm!

Pres Petero at Saivou, his home village where he grew up.

Eleanor Gade's twins and friends. This is a small settlement
that DRGrant has funded a water project for. 

Douglas couldn't be left out.

Everyone getting ready for Gade ceremony to start. They had built
bowery and decorated it. Also had everyone had learned songs
and dances. All very festive! They have been trying to water from
a fresh water spring since 2008!! They are thrilled!!

A fancy little girl presented scissors to cut the ribbons!

And turn on the water!! YEAH!!

They had gone to so much effort and are so thrilled and thankful!!

The kids getting ready to dance!

Dancing has started!

Everyone wanted to be involved! And all enjoyed themselves!!!