Monday, June 10, 2013

RS Society Sewing Class and Police Station

We are sewing with a nice brother machine, in our little chapel. Emele is sewing. She is waiting for her mission call.
We are making hotpads. Hopefully we all get done! Some have come from another village.

Yanique, also waiting for her call.

Helping Mere with her hotpad. She had to travel the longest to get here.

Tevesia sewing. I bought kumquats from her at the market. Like little oranges and  the juice added to  tang was delicious!

Lavenia, the RS Pres, sells fish in the market.

All finished! After 21/2 hours and everyone is thrilled. The missionaries came by to lock up. We gave them my sample hotpad. We had lots of kids come with mom. Everyone wants to know what we will do next.

The tourist police station. We need to stop by and see what they offer.

The 'real' police station, right next door!

It looks like 'dorms' behind the police station.